Songs of the core
ways intercultural

The idea
Professional and volunteer musicians are musically active together in the project. The world music compositions in different languages invite people of different cultures and nations to communicate. The songs live from the fact that people from different countries participate. In "ways" they are at the same time experts for their own mother tongue and "greenhorns" (newcomers, greenhorns) for other languages. Non-musical volunteers also have the opportunity to participate in the project as part of the program planning and social media team.

Songs and Languages
Ways "Song of the core" is planned as project for choir, solists, band and brass.

In addition, a music production and a tour through Bavaria are planned.

Psalms of the Sons of Korah

The biblical texts of the Psalms of the sons of Korah Psalm 42-49.84-89a fit to very different ways in the world, from the smooth cemented highway to the stony mountain path. They stand for various life situations of the worshippers, such as protection (Psalm 46) or transience (Psalm 49). Native speakers have put the Psalms into their own words. For example, Psalm 42 becomes a longing Latin soul song in Portuguese, or Psalm 48 becomes a rock'n'roll with Russian lyrics.

Zu ganz unterschiedlichen Wegen auf der Welt, von der glatt zementierten Autobahn bis zum steinigen Bergweg, passen die biblischen Texte der Psalmen der Söhne Korachs Psalm 42-49.84-89a. Sie stehen für mannigfaltige Lebenssituationen der Beter/innen, wie zum Beispiel für Schutz (Psalm 46) oder Vergänglichkeit (Psalm 49). Muttersprachler/innen haben die Psalmen in eigene Worte gefasst. So wird zum Beispiel Psalm 42 zu einem sehnsuchtsvollen Latin-Soul-Stück auf Portugiesisch oder Psalm 48 zu einem Rock'n'Roll mit russischem Text.